Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Vivian Stringer's Cheerleader Anecdote--Imus Part Two

In an earlier post, http://novelistador.blogspot.com/2007/04/don-imus-personal-hero-of-my-formerly.html, I made my (and my formerly three year old's) feelings apparent. Still, I must respond to Vivian Stringer's performance today. The Rutgers University basketball coach started off well, unattributedly quoting Eleanor Roosevelt's dictum, "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." She then launched into a long, and as far as I can see pointless, anecdote about being the first minority cheerleader at her high school. This "story" included a late-night visit to her father from an official who said that little Vivian had been the best cheerleader at tryouts. Vivian's dad then came up to her in her bed and said she should become a cheerleader because, "If you don't stand up for something, you'll fall for anything."

A free cup of coffee to the first reader who can find some kind of purpose to this anecdote.

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